
five questions regarding the post “Save Italy”:

– Beside Mr. Daverio who else is concered with “Save Italy” movement?
– If “the main issue is how to do and what to do”, then what are the steps to take?
– What are the centers for education, culture and creativity and their contents?
– Who are the partcipating citizens and how do they participate?
– How the third sector economy can produce occupation, assets, professional profiles?

Save Italy


Save Italy is a Movement proposed  by Italian – French Semiotician Philippe Daverio for the first time. The question now is quite generalized and accepted by many people as an imperative. The main issue is how to do and what to do, even if the problem, under most aspects is similar to the crisis of other parts of western world, which is not merely economical. The solution seems to be rather complex but not impossible. Think of the huge collapsing patrimony of Italian architectural heritage, the abandoned industrial archeology in almost all parts of Italy. All these construction have the possibility to become the main centers for education, culture and creativity that Italy really needs like many other western or non-western nations. Now the main question changes to what would be the contents in this places, the costs, who is going to pay for, and what would be the complete usage. The action is absolutely rewarding because it will create occupation, assets, professional profiles. These objectives can be reached if supported by main structures: participation of citizens and the large developments  of third sector economy which can be called creative and cultural economy, which its plus value need to be invested, with no-dividend in the same educational, cultural and creative tasks. See Also

English: Philippe Daverio. Capo di Ponte, Val ...